Wipe-Out Patch-Out This Patch-Out version of the SharpShoot R Wipe-Out bore cleaner is a stronger cleaner than the original foam/aerosol Wipe-Out and has become quite popular with Benchrest shooters over the last few years. The cleaner is applied to the bore in the traditional manner with wet patches. Nylon brushes can be used to “foam” the product and make it work faster. No actual “brushing” is required according to the manufacturer. Wipe-Out Accelerator will also increase the reaction speed with copper and carbon fouling if applied with a patch before the Wipe-Out Patch-Out is applied. 8 ounce flip-top plastic bottle. ...
Sharp Shoot R Precision announces new sister product WIPE-OUT ACCELERATOR™ . This product is to be used with the improved version of the “original” Wipe-Out™, Patch-Out™, & Tactical Advantage™. Accelerator™ is NOT meant to be used by itself………or with ANY other cleaning product besides Wipe-Out™, Patch-Out™, & Tactical Advantage™. The new sister product is an answer to a problem where the shooter has a limited time in which to clean his firearm. Accelerator™ is designed to Double the speed of Wipe-Out™ within a given time period. Accelerator™ will Double the amount of Carbon and Copper dissolved within that period. We have...
Wipe-Out “TACTICAL ADVANTAGE” ™” which is to be used as a conventional non-aerosol for special use with firearms that are used in tactical applications. “TACTICAL ADVANTAGE“ ™ is an answer to specific problems, where the shooter has need for a very carbon aggressive bore cleaner that will also remove copper fouling as well as powder fouling with a minimum of effort. “TACTICAL ADVANTAGE” ™ like other “Wipe-Out ™ products is 100% brushless. “TACTICAL ADVANTAGE” ™ has a dual use for cleaning tactical firearms. 1. “TACTICAL ADVANTAGE” ™ is a brushless bore cleaner. 2. “TACTICAL ADVANTAGE” ™ When mixed with water on a 50/50 ratio and sprayed on bolt carriers and bolts...
A product specific for lubrication,resizing and case forming. This new product is an answer to easy and clean application of a case lubricant. This exciting new product is easier to use with no messy clean-up.. I Available in 2 formats. This 8oz pump ounce spray, and a 4 ounce jar.
The spray can facilitate the use of the product by either spraying it on a case lube pad, or by spraying over a bulk quantity of cases. The conventional 4 ounce jar is available for those who want to apply case lube manually.
An non- aerosol for the specific removal of carbon. This new product is an answer to a problem where the shooter has to use specific chemical solvents for the removal of stubborn carbon deposits. This exciting new product dissolves and removes carbon on contact. It’s easier to use and is considerably less messy. It has no complicated method of application. You simply put it on a patch or a mop and swab it thru the barrel. No Muss No Fuss! CARB-OUT ™ leaves behind a protective coating that prevents future carbon adherence This coating is less than 100th of a micron in thickness,...
A product specific for lubrication , resizing and case forming. This new product is an answer to easy and clean application of a case lubricants. This exciting new product is easier to use with no messy clean-up.. It has no complicated method of application. Simply dab a small amount on your fingers and apply to the case directly, or to a case lube pad.. No Muss No Fuss ! Royal Case & Die Lube ™ leaves behind a protective coating that prevents corrosion. This coating will not attract grit, grime, or dust. The high degree of lubricity makes even the...
SharpShoot R MAXX MIL-SPEC LUBRICANT 8oz Shooters and outdoorsmen have problems unique to their particular sport. Firearms encounter explosive heat, grit, sand, corrosion, unburned powder residue, primer residue, carbon, minute metal fragments, and moisture as a routine part of normal use. Firearms also need to have long-term protection from rust and corrosion, as well as adequate lubrication. With that set of problems in mind SharpShoot_R Precision began a search for a special purpose lubricant that meets the specific needs of the shooting public. How it works: Maxx ™ is a cutting edge product. It contains a patented particulant contained in no...
This new product is an answer to easy cleaning of brass cases. This exciting new product is faster and easier to use, and leaves no messy residue. “Brass Monkey TM” even cleans most cases of that hateful primer pocket and flash hole residue…and, leaves no media behind to punch out later!”
“NO-LEAD” Brushless Lead Remover ™ NO-LEAD which will safely clean firearms, without brushing, of lead deposits and lead scale wherever it is deposited on the firearm. We are determined to make the best cleaning equipment possible and to address all problems that are encountered in the shooting sports. There are thousands of shooters who use nothing other than lead or lead alloy bullets. Whether you are a Cowboy Action Shooter, a Combat Shooter, a Black Powder Shooter, or you Reload and Cast your own bullets – you will love “NO-LEAD” ™ Brushless Lead Remover . It has been an established fact that lead...