NSW TR Team Outstanding Results in Townsville

Congratulations to Captain John Maguire and the Target Rifle Team who performed outstandingly in Townsville.

Great results, winning the Merrett Match by 8 points and the Sweet Aggregate by 11 points. These are the two most prestigious trophies. 

These were the Team's third consecutive Merrett and Sweet wins.

The Team also won the Alistair McPherson Match and the A W Hammett Aggregate.


Thank you to Captain John Maguire and Coaches Jim Bailey and Ben Emms, who worked tirelessly and had no chance to relax with constant mirage changes happening throughout the matches.

A special THANK YOU to the Representatives from the Australian Palma Squad in South Africa who made the commitment to go to Townsville after a challenging Palma campaign.

Special mention to the three new caps, Jeremy Chan, Damon Livermore and Jack Picton.

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